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Today’s conversation is a direct response to the following listener request:

"I am a parent to 4 young kids (one with special needs and another with some extra needs). I struggle immensely with keeping myself regulated and calm with their big emotions. I wondered if you might explore in further episodes about how to let go of the need for control as a parent and how that need for control influences feeling dysregulated when the kids are rough housing and noisy/chaotic. I struggle so much to just relax into parenting, I constantly try to control things to avoid big emotions and meltdowns. If you might also touch on the topic of hypervigilance and the need to control as a trauma response? I’d love to learn how we can sit with life happening without trying to micromanage it as a way to avoid something unexpected happening, kid meltdowns, chaos, etc…

I’m struggling so much with this right now as a mom, but really it’s been a theme for much longer than that. I realize the work ahead for me as I am learning your tools to regulate my nervous system."

What I'll share doesn't just apply to regulated parenting, but in how we all approach these things in our healing. Hit play for the full conversation!

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Navigating Overwhelm & Dysregulation in Parenting

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