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A monthly live class to regulate your nervous system and release stored stress and trauma from the body
Next class: Monday, July 22nd @ 8pm ET

First class? Or need financial assistance? Use the code "ATTUNE" for 40% off



Monday, July 22nd @ 8pm ET

This class is a good fit if you...

  • Hold stress and tension in your body and need to reduce overall stress levels

  • Have experienced trauma and want to release it from the body

  • Often feels reactive and wants to learn tangible tools to regulate your nervous system

  • Struggle with always being in your head and want gentle support in reconnecting to your body


If this resonates, I invite you to join us!

First class? Use code "ATTUNE" at checkout to save 40%

"Wow, this was my first attunement session and I can't thank you enough. I felt a heaviness lifting that I can't seem to put into words. I'm just trusting that my body knew what to do while I finally felt safe and relaxed enough. I love that the tools we did in this session I can do on my own throughout the week too!"

- Jenny


Save your seat in our class happening

Monday, July 22nd @ 8 pm ET


*This class is free inside The Membership & to active 1:1 client

Healing happens in and through the body

Your body has so many ways to help you heal, you just have to know how to access it. Our nervous system is designed to protect us above all else, but it also plays a very important role in almost every other bodily function: digestion, immune health, hormone balance, and more. When we experience chronic or traumatic stress that's outside our ability to cope, that experience gets stored in our body. The good news here is that the body isn't just where stress and trauma happen, but it's also where it is healed. In order to find our way out of anxiety, depression, and endless stress we need to restore our nervous system. Somatic support for healing and regulating your nervous system begins here.

Attunement sessions are 60 minute research driven, guided, somatic sessions to help you regulate and restore your nervous system. You'll learn tangible body-based tools that release stored stress and trauma and reconnect you to your body in an embodied and safe way.

"I love how practical and simple these tools are. I was pretty skeptical before me first class but after seeing how my range of motion improved in seconds after a drill because my body release so much tension, I'm 100% here for it now! It's made such a huge difference for me in my healing."

- Sam



"Not only does each session I come to feel more impactful, I've noticed the difference it's made in my day to day like. I feel like I'm more aware of my nervous system state and feel so much more confident in knowing what I can do to stay regulated. I always thought in order to heal from trauma I'd have to face it head on and dig into the details before I could feel better. I've noticed a significant decrease in how triggered I feel in just a couple months."

- Tracy

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